Showing posts with label Asphyx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asphyx. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2025


"Our sound was finally developed in a way that pleased us, and we all have very fond memories of it. I can’t believe that at the end of this year it will be 30 years since it’s release…"

November Grief from Montreal, Canada, were founded back in 1993 and have been dormant for more than 20 years. Now that the band has been active again since 2020 with a few new members, it made sense to talk to bassist and singer Stéphanie Masson, who was in Wallonia, Belgium, at the time of the interview.


Hello Stéphanie, how are you?  I saw you had a gig recently. Did it go to your satisfaction?

Hello Gerald, I am doing very well thank you. Just arrived from Belgium a few days ago and still a bit jet lagged. Yes, we did  show here in Montreal last December 14 and it went very well. It was also our first show at home with our new lead guitarist Rachel, and boy did she deliver the goods that night ! Kudos also go to Simonne and Zack. We had a good flow onstage that evening and the maniacs in the crowd had a good time. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024


"My theory includes that they probably couldn't listen to the other polished and overproduced bands anymore."

When you hear the name Atomwinter, you inevitably think of black metal, but under this name there are some metalheads from Lower Saxony, who play their own version of traditional death metal. This interview was conducted a few years ago, precisely in 2013 on the occasion of the release of the debut album "Atomic Death Metal". Since then, the band from Göttingen has released three more full-length albums, most recently last year.  At that time, the band was still a five-piece, as the debut album is the only one, in which the line up included two guitarists. It's also interesting to note that the line-up has remained the same in three of the today’s four positions since the interview, only the vocal position has changed since then, but twice. I spoke to guitarist Benni back then.

Friday, November 24, 2023


"This music simply needs a voice that sounds like death itself and can convey all the horror that is dealt within the lyrics."

More or less by chance I came across Aschenvater from Saxony, Germany, who create great, primal death metal that should make fans of bands like Asphyx and Hail of Bullets extremely happy! I talked to singer Oliver and guitarist Marko about the not too long band history, the great EP "Landungsfeldmassaker", German lyrics, Martin van Drunen, Bolt Thrower and the influence of the Warhammer universe.  

Sunday, April 9, 2023


We did a lot of tapetrading, you sat around the campfire in the evening and people came from Velbert, Living Death for example, and Assassin from Düsseldorf.

After Daniel, the singer of Defected Decay, contacted me in June last year for a review of the great second album "Troops of Abomination" (review here), we arranged an appointment for an interview on location in beautiful Hattingen. The weather threw a spanner in the works of the originally planned date, but two weeks later, on a weekend at the end of January, the time had come. So I set off by car to the Hattingen, which I can only warmly recommend to anyone who likes cosy half-timbered towns. Even on the way there, the last few kilometres of the journey seemed familiar, and that's right, this is also the way to Witten, or rather to the Muttental, where you can hike and also mountain bike very well on the traces of former mining. Singer Daniel and instrumentalist Dirk turned out to be nice and conversational guys, we talked a lot about Defected Decay, their other musical playgrounds like Suffersystem as well as about the metal history in the Ruhr area. We conducted the interview in Daniel's living room and were very nicely provided with drinks by his wife, thanks again for that!

At Daniel's house, I first examined the CD collection and a few cassettes, which led us to the topic of demotapes.

Saturday, April 1, 2023


Wir betrieben viel Tapetrading, man saß abends am Lagerfeuer und es kamen die Leute aus Velbert, Living Death zum Beispiel, und Assassin aus Düsseldorf.“

Nachdem mich Daniel, der Sänger von Defected Decay, im Juni vergangenen Jahres kontaktiert hatte für ein Review zum tollen zweiten Album "Troops of Abomination" (Review hier), verabredeten wir einen Termin für ein Interview vor Ort im schönen Hattingen. Beim ursprünglich angedachten Termin machte uns das Wetter einen Strich durch die Rechnung, aber zwei Wochen später, an einem Wochenende Ende Januar, war es dann so weit. Ich machte mich also mit dem Auto auf ins beschauliche Hattingen, das ich nur allen, die gemütliche Fachwerkstätte mögen, wärmstens empfehlen kann. Schon auf dem Hinweg kam mir die letzten Kilometer Anfahrt bekannt vor, und richtig, hier geht es auch nach Witten, besser gesagt ins Muttental, wo man auf den Spuren des früheren Bergbaus sehr gut wandern und auch Mountainbiken kann. Sänger Daniel und Instrumentalist Dirk entpuppten sich als nette aufgeräumte Gesprächspartner, die einiges über Defected Decay, ihre anderen musikalischen Spielwiesen wie Suffersystem als auch über die Metal-Historie im Ruhrpott zu berichten wussten. Das Interview führten wir in Daniels Wohnzimmer und wurden sehr nett von seiner Frau mit Getränken versorgt, vielen Dank nochmals dafür!

Bei Daniel zu Hause begutachte ich erst einmal die CD-Sammlung als auch einige wenige Kassetten, was zum Einstiegsthema Demotapes führt. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Defected Decay from Hattingen in the southern Ruhr area were founded in the summer of 2019. After their debut album "Kingdom of Sin", "Troops of Abomination" is the second work of this duo, which is also active with Suffersystem. Before that, they were musically active with Resurrected, a permanent institution in the underground, and Dark Before Dawn. 

Thursday, April 14, 2022


Messe Mortuaire from Lille, France release their first EP "Nocturnal Demonic Visitation" these days via the busy Greek label Repulsive Echo Records. I heard the band name this day for the first time, but hope to hear more soon from this diabolical death metal band, which is composed of three veterans of the French scene.

Friday, January 14, 2022


Good things take time  

In October 2020 I discovered more or less by coincident the Bandcamp profile of a band called Verhängnis (the german term for doom or fate), who offered two releases there, a demo and an album. Fascinating, gruff, dragging doomdeath with echoing vocals and expressionistic German lyrics had immediately caught my attention. Associatively, the legendary Australians of Disembowelment came directly to my mind. I wrote to the band to ask if they were interested in an interview and heard nothing for a long time. Then, at the beginning of 2022, I suddenly received a mail out of nowhere that my message must have been hidden deep in the spam folder. Well, almost one and a half years later this interview can take place after all, meanwhile the band also has a second album called "Irrlicht" in their repertoire, which was released in October 2021.


Hello, please tell us something more about Verhängnis. When exactly and from what occasion followed the formation of Verhängnis?

Hi. First of all, thank you for the invitation to the interview. I'll have to elaborate a bit more. I've been playing in various bands for quite some time and have also been involved in recording technology and music production for a few years now. Together with one of my closest friends, I spontaneously went into the rehearsal room around 2015 and we recorded the demo for our then two-man project Kriegszittern without much prior knowledge, with simple means and a lot of experimentation. Over time, more and more equipment and experience came along and I started working with synthesizers, drum machines and MIDI. Sometime in 2018 I started to combine the two areas and recorded the songs that would later be called "Finsternis" and "Abgrund". I didn't have a fixed idea in which direction it should go and just tried it out. After I tinkered with the two songs every now and then over the next two years, but actually had enough other stuff to do, the pandemic came in 2020 and everything was put on hold for the time being.

Friday, January 7, 2022


Gut Ding will Weile haben  

Im Oktober 2020 entdeckte ich mehr oder weniger zufällig das Bandcamp-Profil einer Band namens Verhängnis, die zwei Veröffentlichungen, ein Demo und ein Album, dort anbot. Faszinierender, grufig-ranziger, schleppender Doomdeath mit hallenden Vocals und expressionistischen deutschen Texten hatte unverzüglich meine Neugier geweckt. Assoziativ kamen mir die legendären Australier von Disembowelment direkt in den Sinn. Ich schrieb die Band an, ob Interesse an einem Interview bestände und hörte erst einmal lange Zeit nichts mehr. Angang 2022 erhielt ich dann plötzlich aus dem Nichts eine Mail, dass meine Nachricht wohl ganz tief im Spamordner versteckt gewesen war. Nun gut, also fast anderthalb Jahre später kann dieses Interview doch noch stattfinden, mittlerweile hat die Band auch ein im Oktober 2021 veröffentlichtes zweites Album namens "Irrlicht" im Repertoire.


Hallo! Erzähle doch mal bitte etwas mehr zu Verhängnis. Wann genau und aus welchem Anlass heraus folgte die Gründung von Verhängnis?

Hi. Erstmal Danke für die Einladung zum Interview. Da muss ich direkt ein bisschen weiter ausholen. Ich spiele seit längerer Zeit in diversen Bands und beschäftige mich seit einigen Jahren auch mit Aufnahmetechnik und Musikproduktion. Zusammen mit einem meiner engsten Freunde bin ich ungefähr 2015 spontan in den Proberaum gegangen und wir haben ohne große Vorkenntnisse, mit einfachen Mittel und viel Experimentierfreude die Demo für unser damaliges Zwei-Mann-Projekt Kriegszittern aufgenommen. Mit der Zeit kam immer mehr Equipment und Erfahrung dazu und ich hab angefangen mit Synthesizern, Drumcomputern und MIDI zu arbeiten. Irgendwann 2018 hab ich dann angefangen die beiden Bereiche zu verbinden und die Songs aufgenommen, die später einmal Finsternis und Abgrund heißen würden. Ich hatte keine feste Idee in welche Richtung die Sache gehen sollte und hab einfach ausprobiert. Nachdem ich in den nächsten zwei Jahren immer mal wieder an den beiden Songs rumgebastelt hab, aber eigentlich genug anderen Kram zu tun hatte, kam dann 2020 die Pandemie und alles war erstmal auf Eis gelegt.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


Soulburn from the Netherlands released their fourth album called "Noa's D'ark" these days, which should definitely be heard by fans who like Asphyx, Celtic Frost, Pentacle and listeners who like Death / Doom and prefer high quality dark music in general. Apart from that, Soulburn have of course long been a brand in their own right and need no comparison with other bands. Furthermore, l would like to point out that the lyrical concept of the new album perfectly reflects the state of our times, which are characterised by climate catastrophes, pandemics and environmental destruction. But more about this in the interview. Guitarist Eric Daniels answered my questions. 

Hey, how are you doing? How are the reactions concerning the new album?

Hey there, we are doing very well, thank you. The reactions on our new album "Noa’s D’ark" are very overwhelming. People like the new album as much as we do, we see a lot of reponse and it makes us proud and happy to see our fans like our new album very much.  

Sunday, September 13, 2020


First of all, let me say that I'm very glad that I was asked by Brutal Cave Productions, a real cool  underground label / distro from Portugal, for doing a review for this album. I've never heard before from Ataudes, a death metal band from Buenos Aires, Argentina before, but if this never had happened I would have missed this hell of a record.