Showing posts with label Nephasth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nephasth. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Chaos Inception is a death metal quartet from Alabama, USA, formed in 2008 and has released three albums to date - with a slightly different line-up in some cases. To my shame, I have to admit that I have not yet consciously taken notice of the band, which also has (former) members of such illustrious bands as Monstrosity and Diabolic in its ranks. Fortunately, this has now changed with “Vengeance Evangel”, which was released in mid-February via the Czech label Lavadome Productions almost 13 years after its predecessor. As much as the label praises the band, these words are justified, at least if you are a fan of brutal, but at the same time technically demanding and sometimes tricky arrangements. The band naturally draws from the pool of American death metal and, in addition to the aforementioned Monstrosity and Diabolic, the usual suspects such as Immolation, Hate Eternal, or, in certain, particularly rhythmic parts, Deicide can also be cited. In contrast to many of their American colleagues, however, Chaos Inception seem more chaotic, impetuous and wild, despite their sophistication and technical demands.