Showing posts with label Mortuus Infradaemoni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mortuus Infradaemoni. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


A few days ago I saw an announcement on a social network about a band called A Hoagascht. There was an immediate connection to Bavarian black metal band Lunar Aurora latest work, and indeed it turned out to be an announcement of a live performance of this exact album. Aran, founding member of Lunar Aurora and composer of the awesome "Hoagascht" album, is the initiator and main driving force behind this issue and answered my questions.


Hello Aran, I can still remember buying the Lunar Aurora debut “Weltengänger” shortly after it was released at Saturn record store in Cologne. That was almost 30 years ago. And strangely enough, I also remembered that I ordered the farewell album “Hoagascht” online during a visit to Augsburg in 2012. I've long forgotten how I got hold of the other albums... How quickly time flies - is that something you often realize with some regret?

In many situations in life, I actually tend to look ahead. When it comes to Lunar Aurora, many memories become blurred. Some remain, but many things also become vague. In general, I can answer that by saying that I only regret the fast or slow passage of time in a few situations.

Monday, June 13, 2022


"Alles ist vergänglich und mündet in der letzten großen Frage, dem ewigen Tod – gleichzeitig ist der Tod aber auch immer eine Tür zu etwas Anderem, Unbekanntem."  

Wie ich bereits in der Besprechung des neuen Albums (Review siehe hier) zum Ausdruck brachte, sind Mortuus Infradaemoni eine ganz besondere Band mit einer tiefschürfenden musikalischen Aura, die nun wirklich nicht alltäglich oder profan ist (um mal einen Querverweis zum Pseudonym eines meiner Interviewpartner zu bringen). Eben genau wie dieses Interview, ich danke der Band für die offenen Worte, die ausführlichen, interessanten musikalischen Empfehlungen und das Wort(ungetüm) des Jahres, siehe die Frage zu den sozialen Medien.

Hallo, erst einmal Glückwunsch zum starken neuen Album „Inmortuos sum“. Als ich sah, dass Ihr ein neues Album am Start habt, war ich überrascht, ich hatte Mortuus Infradaemoni längst als nicht mehr existent angesehen, ich denke, so ging es einigen. Was passierte nach dem letzten Album „Imis Avernis“ von 2009, daß eine Band nach 13 Jahren noch mal mit einem neuen Album aufwartet ist ja nicht gerade die Regel…  

Sunday, June 12, 2022


"Everything is transient and ends in the last big question, eternal death - but at the same time death is always a door to something different, unknown."  

As I said in my review of the new album (see here), Mortuus Infradaemoni are a very special band with a profound musical aura that is really not ordinary or profane (to cross-reference the pseudonym of one of my interview partners). Just like this interview, I thank the band for the open words, the detailed, interesting musical recommendations and the word (monstrosity) of the year, see the question about social media.


Hello, first of all congratulations on the strong new album "Inmortuos sum". When I saw that you have a new album out, I was surprised, I had long considered Mortuus Infradaemoni as no longer existing, I think it was the same for some others. What happened after the last album "Imis Avernis" from 2009, that a band comes up with a new album after 13 years is not exactly the rule...  

Thursday, April 28, 2022


These days I more or less got to know that Mortuus Infradaemoni have released a new, third album. Honestly, after the two previous albums from 2007 and 2009, I had long suspected the band in the eternal hunting grounds, so I was all the more pleased that the band still exists.

The new album called "Inmortuos sum" is released by Iron Bonehead Productions, after the two predecessors were released by Cold Dimensions, the label of former Lunar Aurora musician Andreas "Whyrd" Bauer. And there we are already at the right keyword, namely Lunar Aurora . The two protagonists behind Mortuus Infradaemoni, Nathaniel and Profanatitas are both ex- members of the legendary Lunar Aurora.