Showing posts with label Slayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slayer. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2025


"Our sound was finally developed in a way that pleased us, and we all have very fond memories of it. I can’t believe that at the end of this year it will be 30 years since it’s release…"

November Grief from Montreal, Canada, were founded back in 1993 and have been dormant for more than 20 years. Now that the band has been active again since 2020 with a few new members, it made sense to talk to bassist and singer Stéphanie Masson, who was in Wallonia, Belgium, at the time of the interview.


Hello Stéphanie, how are you?  I saw you had a gig recently. Did it go to your satisfaction?

Hello Gerald, I am doing very well thank you. Just arrived from Belgium a few days ago and still a bit jet lagged. Yes, we did  show here in Montreal last December 14 and it went very well. It was also our first show at home with our new lead guitarist Rachel, and boy did she deliver the goods that night ! Kudos also go to Simonne and Zack. We had a good flow onstage that evening and the maniacs in the crowd had a good time. 

Monday, January 6, 2025


"I believe and feel that we have made a second debut with “Evil Summons Evil” and I responsibly declare that the best is yet to come."

The Greek Deviser who have been spreading their musical mischief from the famous Greek scene all over the world since the distant year 1989, have delivered their opus magnum after more than three decades of band history with their 2023 album “Evil summons evil”, released on Hammerheart Records. Anyone who loves aggressive black metal as well as symphonic and melodic-mystical sounds, which are particularly characteristic of the Greek scene, will find a perfect symbiosis of both worlds here. A good reason to talk to founding member Matt Chnaras, singer, guitarist and bassist, about the current album as well as the band's entire history and to take a look into the future. Let's hope we can see the band in Germany in the not too distant future!

Saturday, May 4, 2024


"Perhaps it's in our blood!"

Here you can read an interview with the Peruvian underground institution Mortem, who have been haunting the underground since the distant year 1986. Read here what founding member, drummer and vocalist Alvaro Amduscias has to say about the band's beginnings, influences, goals, upcoming gigs and a new Mortem album.


Hello Alvaro, best regards from the Rhineland in Germany, how are you doing at the moment?

Hi Gerald. Thank you very much for this interview! All good, here in the burning desert of Phoenix, Arizona.

Monday, March 25, 2024


"I think it was just a different time back then. You ended up in a studio and the result was also somewhat coincidental."

Maceration from Denmark released their debut album in 1992. After many years in which the band went dormant, the extremely strong follow-up "It never ends..." was released in 2022, exactly thirty years later. In September this year, a new album called "Serpent Devourment" will be released, once again via the energetic Danish death metal label Emanzipation Productions. A good reason to talk to founding member Jakob Schultz, who was also part of Invocators line-up on their legendary debut album "Excursion Demise". 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Recently I got to know that Nekromantheon release a new album. I like the two predecessors very much, I hereby recommend them again to every lover of thrash metal. The new album "Visions of Trismegistos" takes it up a notch - the band from Kolbotn, Norway never sounded so intense and dark! My questions were answered by Sindre, responsible for bass and backing vocals.

Hey, how are you? What is the situation with the Corona pandemic in Norway at the moment? Has Norway been hit hard, has the economy suffered a lot and have there been harsh cuts in public life such as temporary bans on going out at a certain time or meeting a certain number of people? Here in Germany, the issue has been very politically charged and has also unfortunately divided society somewhat, how is it with you?

Hi. Doing okay. The situation is fucked up, we have been in lockdown for six months, and it’s the second lockdown. The economic situation is terrible, especially for regular people and small businesses who have been affected by the lockdown. I work in the restaurant / bar industry, that have just been thrown overboard by the government. Everything was closed except pharmacies, food-stores etc.  Thanks for nothing. For a long time you were only allowed to have two guests also, but that has chilled out a bit. Looks like we are heading to open up soon, as numbers are much better, and more people are getting vaccinated. Oslo has been hit hardest by the restrictions, which is where I live.  

Saturday, March 27, 2021


Desaster aus Koblenz sind seit gefühlten Äonen eine Institution im Black und Thrash Metal sowie zumindest jedem halbwegs informierten Underground-Kenner ein Begriff, und das wohl mittlerweile weltweit. Nichtsdestotrotz sind die Bandmitglieder immer auf dem Boden geblieben und-so habe ich und bestimmt viele andere auch den Eindruck-verstehen sich immer noch als enthusiastische Fans, die eben auch Musik machen. Diese überaus bescheidene und grundsympathische Art einer Band, die sich selbst nicht superwichtig nimmt, sollte hier doch nochmal Erwähnung finden, da es leider keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist. Wie viele bestimmt wissen, ist gerade das Musikbusiness das beste Pflaster für Narzissten und Egomanen-in meiner jahrelangen Erfahrung musste ich leider die Erfahrung machen, dass es Bands und Musiker gibt, deren Arroganz auf nur einem Bruchteil des Erfolgs einer Band wie Desaster beruht. Diese überaus sympathische Art spiegelt sich auch in den Aussagen von Gitarristen Markus „Infernal“ Kuschke wieder. Wir sprachen über das bald kommende neue Album „Churches without Saints“, das  sich gerade in der Mache befindliche Buchprojekt über die Band und gruselig-lustige Anekdoten aus den goldenen Black Metal 90ern.

Wie sieht es bei Euch im Moment aus, wie ist die Stimmung ? Viele Gigs mussten ja ausfallen bzw. verschoben werden, wann hofft Ihr wieder spielen zu können ? Und was macht das neue Album, wie weit ist da der Prozess bisher ?

Natürlich sind wir heiß darauf, endlich wieder live spielen zu können! Der letzte Gig war im März des letzten Jahres am 6. März in Schweden! Ich denke, vor Mitte des Jahres wird live wohl nichts passieren. Trotzdem ist die Stimmung gut bei uns. Wir sind ja (zum Glück in der jetzigen Krise) keine professionelle Band, sondern haben alle unsere regulären Jobs, die auch mit ein paar Einschränkungen (Odin musste Kurzarbeit machen, aber das kriegt so´n nordischer Gott auch locker weggesteckt!) mehr oder weniger normal weiter gingen. Leid tun mir da echt alle in der Veranstaltungsbranche, deren Existenzen jetzt bedroht sind, da ist echt jetzt und in der nächsten Zeit Solidarität gefragt. Deshalb: wenn das nächste Desaster-Album im Juni rauskommt, kauft lieber die Alben der Kollegen, die das hauptberuflich machen! Ja, das neue Dingen ist fix und fertig, wird "Churches without saints" heißen. 


Desaster from Koblenz have been an institution in black and thrash metal for ages and are known to at least every halfway informed underground connoisseur, and probably worldwide by now. Nevertheless, the band members have always remained down to earth and-as I and I'm sure many others also have the impression-they still see themselves as enthusiastic fans who also make music. This extremely modest and basically likeable way of a band that doesn't take itself too seriously should be mentioned here again, because unfortunately it's not a matter of course. As many people know, the music business is the best place for narcissists and egomaniacs-in my years of experience, I have unfortunately had to learn that there are bands and musicians whose arrogance is based on only a fraction of the success of a band like Desaster. This extremely likeable nature is also reflected in the statements of guitarist Markus "Infernal" Kuschke. We talked about the upcoming new album "Churches without Saints", the book project about the band that is currently in the making and creepy funny anecdotes from the golden Black Metal 90s.

What is the situation like at the moment, how is the mood? Many gigs had to be cancelled or postponed, when do you hope to play again ? And how is the new album coming along, how far is the process ?

Of course we are really looking forward to playing live again! The last gig was in March last year on the 6th of March in Sweden! I don't think anything will happen live before the middle of the year. Nevertheless, the mood is good. We are not a professional band (fortunately in the current crisis), but we all have our regular jobs, which went on more or less normally with a few restrictions (Odin had to work reduced hours, but a Nordic god like him can easily cope with that). I really feel sorry for everyone in the event industry whose livelihoods are now threatened, solidarity is really needed now and in the near future. Therefore, when the next Desaster album comes out in June, you'd better buy the albums of the colleagues who do this full-time! Yes, the new thing is ready and will be called "Churches without saints". 

Monday, March 22, 2021


The Troops of Doom are a new Brazilian band consisting of ex-Sepultura guitarist and bassist Jairo Guedz, who can be heard on the mangy Sepultura early works "Bestial Devastation" and "Morbid Visions". Besides Jairo, the band consists of other deserving scene veterans. The band's first official release, the EP "The rise of heresy", released on Blood Blast Distribution (a sub-label of Nuclear Blast) indulges in the good old raw thrash / death that characterised Sepultura in the early days of their career. Consequently, there are also two Sepultura covers on this EP, namely "Bestial Devastation " and "Troops of Doom". Read the interview with Jairo here.

Hello Jairo, how are you at the moment? What is the Corona pandemic doing in Brazil at the moment?

Hello Gerald, things are kinda crazy over here. People politized this pandemic shit too much and it is far from ok, but we are trying to do our best concerning new music, the band and our next steps. Hope you are fine in Germany.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Some weeks ago I found more or less by chance this band called Centrate in the depths of the world wide web. Their logo reminded me of Slayer, so the musical direction wasn't difficult to guess. 

Hey, first of all please introduce the band to the readers of Systematic Desensitization Zine. Who are you, when did you found the band and so on…

Hey, we are an underground Thrash Metal band from Dillenburg (Hessen), Germany and we founded the band in 2010.

We are: Niki – Vocals, Marcel – Bass, Tobi – Guitar, Jonas - Guitar and me, Manu –Drums. Jonas left the band a few weeks ago, but he will join us for the next few live shows.  

Sunday, April 22, 2018


"Without Slayer nothing would exist." 
Deathstorm from Austria are a really cool band and a must-listen for maniacs who are into brutal thrash metal and worship bands such as Slayer, Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, (old) Sepultura and  the mighty Sarcofago for example. In the following weeks (May25th ) they will release their great Deathstorm third full-length record called "Reaping what is left" via german high-quality record label High Roller Records. So read what vocalist and bassplayer Marco Stebich has to tell us!

First of all, please introduce Deathstorm to the readers of Systematic Desensitization Zine. Who’s in the band and how did you find together ? Some other interesting aspects about the band? 
Hey and thanks a lot for doing this! We are Deathstorm and we deliver deadly deathrashing violence since 2010. We actually formed under the banner of Damage in 2007 and released two demos before turning into Deathstorm. We actually have known each other since at least 2001 due to school and stuff. In our early teenage years we picked up instruments and started playing music together due to the fact that the kinda music we were into was simply not available anywhere when it comes to the local musicscene. There was a lot of total crap going on and we simply got frustrated with it which led to the formation of Damage. Fast forward a few years and after releasing our debut record "As death awakes" we added Markus (Steindl) to the line up since we wanted to sound bigger when playing gigs. However a few weeks ago we decided to part ways with him which means Deathstorm is nowadays again operating as a three piece consisting of Ferdinand Reinbacher on guitars, Manuel Röxeis on drums and me (Marco Stebich) on bass and vocals. This is actually the first time we mention this officially besides telling the audience at the Raging Death Date-festival a few weeks back. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Am Montag, den 25.09. ging's mal wieder zu einem Metalkonzert, diesmal wegen SATYRICON, der legendären Black Metal Formation aus Norwegen. Im Turock in Essen war ich bisher noch nie, und als wir dort einen Parkplatz suchten, standen dort schon mindestens 4 Einsatzfahrzeuge der Polizei. Ich überlegte gerade noch, ob die lokale Essener Polizeiführung es wirklich für nötig hält, ein paar hundert Metalfans wie schwerkriminelle Straftäter überwachen zu lassen, als ich sah, dass im näheren Umfeld wohl eine Art Razzia stattfand. Also hatte das ganze doch einen anderen Grund als die "bösen" Metalfans. Trotzdem wirkte die ganze Szenerie etwas surreal, da zu der Mischung aus Polizisten auf der einen Seite und Metalfans in der Mitte noch eine ganze Menge wohl vornehmlich obdachloser Menschen auf der anderen Seite dazukam, die bei der Suppenküche der sich dort befindlichen Kirche Essen einnahmen.