Showing posts with label Satyricon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satyricon. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021


"Euronymous was pissed as hell when I decided to leave, he was really mad."

As announced, here is the second part of the interview with Kjetil Manheim of Order (read part one HERE), in which we talked about his further musical playgrounds in the field of noise music. We also talked about the transfiguration of Norwegian black metal and the film "Lords of chaos", among other things, we talked about his farewell to Mayhem, about the former singer Dead, people's preference for stories and myths, exorcisms as well as Kjetil's love for Berlin.

Did you watch the „Lords of Chaos“- movie and if so, did you like it, didn't you like it? How about the actor who played your role?

Well, first of all, I haven't watched it. I can't see any reason I should see it. It's not a great movie if I understood it right from people, it's not an "Oscar". So, I can't see why I should have watched the movie because it has nothing to do with reality. So far as what I've heard from people who have seen the movie, it has nothing to do with me whatsoever. But of course, they have put it in the context where they got some aspects ot pieces like they have our names, but it has nothing to do with my life. I don't understand why they made that movie.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


"Being a human is a very lonesome journey."

Here is the promised interview with Kjetil Manheim, the drummer of Order, who released their new strong album "The Gospel" these days. Kjetil had a lot to say, so I divided the interview, which took almost two hours on Skype, into two parts. In the first part you can read what Kjetil has to say about the new album in musical and lyrical terms - we talked about the fragility of human life, buddhism, Aleister Crowley and organized religions, the (im)possibility of life after death but also about Emperor. In the second part we will talk about Kjetil's other musical playgrounds in the field of noise music, but also about the transfiguration of Norwegian black metal and the movie "Lords of chaos". We talked about his departure from Mayhem and former singer Dead as well as Kjetil's fondness for Berlin.

Hi Kjetil, more or less coincidentally, Norwegian weeks are upon me. A few hours ago I did an interview with Mortiis and an interview with 
Jørn Steen, the maker of "Saga", a movie including a wild mix of black metal, vikings, bikers and zombies, featuring Sarke and also Ted from Darkthrone, is also in the making. Has somehow unplanned so emerged....

Yeah, Maybe this is a coincidence. Or maybe something happens in Norway these days?

Haha, maybe, I don´t know…

Yeah, that movie sounds interesting.

I would say it is something like a horror comedy. Not not to be taken too serious. According to that, I want to ask, did you maybe watch the 30th anniversary Emperor livestream ?

No, I didn’t. I saw that board, which was announcing it, and I thought I was going to watch it, but I haven't yet. So, I have it still in front of me. Did you watch it?

Monday, October 4, 2021


Order from Norway are at the start with their now more second album called "The Gospel". The band, which consists of such well-deserved veterans as drummer Manheim (drummed on Mayhem's legendary "Deathcrush" EP), vocalist Messiah (also ex-Mayhem), guitarist Anders Odden (Cadaver, Satyricon) and bassist Stu Manx (ex-Gluecifer), and this name-dropping is in no way necessary regarding the musical quality, however, live up to its members previous musical legacy. Order manage in a very impressive and intense way to mix old black and death metal with faster eruptive parts to a flowing melange, which in contrast to the debut "Lex Amentiae" goes noticeably deeper and also hits the listener where it hurts.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Am Montag, den 25.09. ging's mal wieder zu einem Metalkonzert, diesmal wegen SATYRICON, der legendären Black Metal Formation aus Norwegen. Im Turock in Essen war ich bisher noch nie, und als wir dort einen Parkplatz suchten, standen dort schon mindestens 4 Einsatzfahrzeuge der Polizei. Ich überlegte gerade noch, ob die lokale Essener Polizeiführung es wirklich für nötig hält, ein paar hundert Metalfans wie schwerkriminelle Straftäter überwachen zu lassen, als ich sah, dass im näheren Umfeld wohl eine Art Razzia stattfand. Also hatte das ganze doch einen anderen Grund als die "bösen" Metalfans. Trotzdem wirkte die ganze Szenerie etwas surreal, da zu der Mischung aus Polizisten auf der einen Seite und Metalfans in der Mitte noch eine ganze Menge wohl vornehmlich obdachloser Menschen auf der anderen Seite dazukam, die bei der Suppenküche der sich dort befindlichen Kirche Essen einnahmen.