Saturday, November 11, 2017


This time an interview with the mighty MASSGRAV from Stockholm. Here we go!

Hey, the new album called „Stockholm Rockers“ is totally great again. Thank you for this great piece of music ! And I must say, the title fits perfectly, because I have read an interview in which you point out that MASSGRAV sounds more like The Ramones than Discharge. I totally agree, although, the MASSGRAV-Style itself is more extreme of course. According to this, when will there be MASSGRAV-Shirts to buy at H&M ? -  this company is from Stockholm as well and they sell millions of Ramones-Shirts, too…

Johan: Thank you for the kind words! We cross our fingers that H&M will reach out to us as soon as they’ve heard the new album. We are full of ideas for a new Massgrav clothing line. 

In general, I have the impression that you always want to distance yourself from the whole crust/d-beat/grindcore-thing…What’s the main reason for this? Do this labels and / or scenes become too boring and too narrow for you, what I can totally understand ?

Johan: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. Massgrav has never had anything to do with crust punk, not the music and not the “lifestyle”. But for some reason a lot of people always keeps labeling us crust - and  thats why we feel a strong urge to underline this and keeps on distancing ourselves from that “label” - its just not us!  
We have always felt that Massgrav has “fallen” between the genres. We’re not a grindcore band and we’re not a crusty d-beat band and since this seems to complicate things for a lot of people we feel that we need to make some kind of statement - we are something else. We play fast hardcore and we like to do it with a touch of  rock’n’roll.
Ola: We like distancing ourselves a bit from large parts of the grindcore community as well, I would say - the people that focus on gore and porn seem very very far from what we are. So yeah, people sometimes have problems labeling us, but I’d much have that than have people say “yeah, they’re a typical scandi crust band” and sound like 25 other bands.

Can you tell us more about the lyrics ? They often deal with human stupidity in general, I think. Can you give us some examples ?

Johan: That’s an everlasting theme so of course the new album is filled with lyrics about it. On “Stockholm Rockers” we have a lot of songs about the stupid people we meet at our jobs. Morons that irritates the shit out of you just by being in the same room. There is also a few songs that deals with this “I-wanna-become-something-big-in-my-life”-hysteria that everyone seems to be obsessed with nowadays - stupid, stupid idiots.
Ola: With a bit of politics mixed in now and then. But yeah - co-workers and bosses is a very reoccurring theme for us, to the point where we’re proud when we manage to find other gripes to write about.

What will be the next „stolen“ shirt design you will use ?For example, I think of the „Skitsystem“-design and other (unrealized) ideas for cover artworks and shirt designs which the spectator can see on your homepage. I like these ideas a lot…

Ola: Glad you like them. Most our shirt prints are stolen in one way or another, the only thing that varies is how much we try to cover it up, but if you’re into straight parody shirts like the Skitsystem example, I don’t think we’ll make any like that. We made a special shirt for the last Nasum show ever, with an M instead of the Nasum M, I think that will be the end of it. Then again, you never know….                               

Your musical influences besides Mob 47 and The Ramones  ? I have read that you like Limp Wrist a lot, what nobody would except. And  you did once a Final Exit-Cover…So is there maybe some kind of loyalty to the Straight Edge-scene, although, you like partying and drinking beer a lot ?

Johan: I’ve said it before, we like fast hardcore and we like rock’n’roll and that’s where you  find our influences.  Status Quo, Yacopsae, Stupid Babies Go Mad… I can go on forever. Well,  we love beer and meat (well, not Fenok since he’s a vegan) so  we’re not loyal to the sXe scene in any way. But there are a bunch of great sXe bands that has made lots of great songs  and since no one “expects” us to do a sXe song its always fun to do one. So cross your fingers and there might be an Earth Crisis cover or a Chain of Strength song coming up on a Massgrav record in the near future. Or maybe we’ll give “Empty Tankard” a shot…
Ola: I think it’s more of a love for great songs than a sympathy for sXe. That said, I don’t mind people trying to stay healthy and focused, just don’t push your religion in my face. Karl Buechner was a dick back in the day and that kind of aggressive “when the vegan revolution comes…” attitude can fuck right off.

Some words about Germany ? Did you like it when you played some shows here ? What’s your impression of German people in general compared to Swedish people ? Do big differences exist ? And will you play some gigs in the nearer future in Germany ?

Ola: We love Germany. It’s definitely one of the countries to play in, always a lot of fun and a lot of beer, and we’ll be happy to return whenever anyone wants to set up a show or two but no plans at the moment. As for differences… I think some German people think it’s hard to understand when we’re joking and when we’re not, but that might just be the language barrier. Apart from that, I think the Germans we’ve dealt with have been very friendly and likeable people. I wish we could tour the Hochalpenstrasse or something.

The last words are yours…

Hail, hail rock’n’roll! Fuck d-beat play fast!