Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Diese (unbetitelte) Kurzgeschichte verfasste ich während nicht enden wollender Zivildienst-Tage im fernen Jahr 1999. Auf diese Weise erblickt sie dann doch noch das Licht der Welt...


Als er nach Hause kam, war sie nicht da. Lediglich ein Zettel lag auf dem Küchenboden, wohl heruntergeweht vom Luftzug des halb geöffneten Fensters. Langsam und halb benommen ob dieser vollkommen unerwarteten, ja unverschämten Abweichung seines gewöhnlichen Tagesablaufes, las er die in krakeliger Schrift hingeschmierten Worte, die darauf schließen ließen, dass sie es eilig gehabt hatte.  

Sunday, February 4, 2018


22 years after the release of the cult debut "Walpurgis-Sabbath of lust", INQUISITOR from Harderwijk ,The Netherlands are back with their brandnew release "Stigmate me, I'm in misery" ! Join us on our trip into the darkest past...

Hey, first of all, how are you ? How are the reactions towards the new album?

We are doing alright at the moment on this rotten doomed planet. And so far almost all of the reviews/reactions to the new album are exceptionally good. We have no reasons to complain.

What was the reason for the split in 1997 ? And what was there a special reason for the reunion ? In the meantime some members of INQUISTOR founded CENTURIAN, so can you tell us who exactly started with INQUSITOR, who was in CENTURIAN (they were called NOX for a while I think) and who is now in the band?

Splitting up is almost never a great thing to happen but in the end it is often inevitable, and in our case, the reasons don't matter anymore 'cause we're back together. In 1996, INQUISITOR slowly fell apart, however, Wim continued INQUISITOR with Rob Oorthuis on guitar but the sound changed and due to this, a new band emerged out of this which became CENTURIAN. Wim van der Valk was the only former member of INQUISITOR in CENTURIAN. CENTURIAN existed from 1997 until 2002 and reformed without Wim van der Valk in 2011 till 2015. After CENTURIAN ceased to exist in 2002, NOX was formed which was more or less a band/project with ex-member(s) of CENTURIAN.
The current line-up of INQUISITOR is the original line-up which also appears on the early Demo's and has the following members: Alex Wesdijk – Vocals, Erik Sprooten – Guitars, Alex Bakker – Bass, Wim van der Valk – Drums. This line-up started INQUISITOR.